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Loyalty Betrayed Draft 2 Complete

At just shy of 91,000 words, the second draft of Loyalty Betrayed is complete.

There are still some story lines I need to beef up in editing, but I’m working on my next project while I let it rest for a little while. Ideally, I’d love to be able to get it edited and cleaned up in time for PitchWars at the end of September, but we’ll see how it goes. The prologue and first chapter have already been heavily edited, so I have a head-start on that.

My next project, the “Web” of novels planned to take place 8 years after Loyalty Betrayed, is in the high level outline process right now. Twenty-five Novels spread across 6 Independent but Interconnected threads. I’ll make a post on that soon.

If anyone would like to Beta Read Loyalty Betrayed, feel free to drop me a line!