Monthly Archives: February 2015

As if I didn’t have enough to do already…

So as I’m sure I’ve made clear before, I am a fountain of new ideas and new worlds.

Usually, I can jot down the basics of my ideas and store them away for later, when I have time to develop them fully.

Well, once in a great while that just doesn’t work. Such is the case now.

I actually had the basis for this idea some time ago, and it was behaving nicely in my Google Keep, just hanging out in the list where it belongs. Except I made the mistake of choosing a muse for the main character, and from there the idea started growing at an alarming pace.

And so, now I’m going to attempt to work on two series more or less concurrently.

Wish me luck!

Oh and an update, I should have The Hydra Offensive back from my editor for line edits this week and then I’m just waiting for the cover art to get it rolling!

If anyone is interested in doing a review to be posted on Goodreads or Amazon, let me know. If you haven’t read The Cerberus Rebellion, I’d be more than happy to send you a copy.