Monthly Archives: January 2016

Updates on Things

So it’s been a little while since my last post, but between finishing out the 2nd to last semester of my BA and the holiday season (which makes both of my jobs madhouses) I’ve not had a lot of time on my hands.

However, I have managed to get a bit of writing done. I’m at 50K words for my new Work-In-Progress which is a new series set on the other side of the world from The Cerberus Rebellion and The Hydra Offensive.

Right now my plan is to get this novel finished, polished, edited and then start querying it for traditional publication. At which point I’ll return to working on The Centaur Incursion.

The ideas for new series and storylines continue to flow and I realized the other day that I’m going to be writing Gunpowder Fantasy for a very long time. Which is something I’m entirely ok with.

I’m also in the process of setting up a Patreon. I think I want to get to the Query step on this new WIP before I launch it, but it’s nearly finished.

Right now, my goal is to have the first draft of this new novel finished by summer, an ambitious task but I think I can handle it!